

Governance and in particular “good governance” is extremely important world-wide to ensure that businesses are properly managed and that all actions and responsibilities are properly accounted for. It reflects legitimacy, authority, efficiency, openness, accountability and responsibility from management and administrative perspectives.

Risk Management

We design and manage the implementation of new business processes on behalf of our clients. Our unique combination of skills, approaches and systems help to develop and operate scalable, efficient and sustainable business processes.

Each municipality must identify their strategic and operational risks and manage these risks in terms of COSA, ISO 31000, King IV and good governance practices.

The Ignite methodology assists municipalities with:

  • Risk identification and assesments
  • Incorporation of risk management into municipal strategies, objectives, performance processes as well as quarterly, mid-year and annual reports

Electronic risk-register which assists municipalities to register and manage risks through action planning, follow-up on implementation, etc. The system can be updated electronically and as it is real-time online, risks can be presented and monitored at all times. Various reports and graphs to monitor the risk status can be generated while risks can be linked to financial planning and insurance profiles.

Compliance Management

National Treasury recently indicated that the municipalities should ensure that they comply with laws and regulations as compliance can improve financial viability, service delivery, etc. Municipalities however face various challenges which include:

  • Believe that they are over regulated and that they cannot keep up with all the requirements
  • Latest legislative requirements and one reference site to research all the legislative requirements
  • Compliance audits do not highlight all the areas of non-compliance
  • Risk of qualified audit opinions due to non-compliance
  • Availability of a tool to assist with compliance and measurement of the level of compliance

Our methodology includes the following options:

  • Compliance and audit readiness assessments
  • Establishment of the compliance profile of a municipality based on functions and services provided
  • Allocation of compliance responsibilities to municipal staff linked to timeframes, events, reminders for staff and reporting
  • Translating municipal standard operating procedures (SOP), Budget and IDP process maps, by-laws and policies into an electronic reminder and compliance reporting module
  • Advice based on experience and good practices
  • Implementation of a web-based compliance system which is the only system of its kind in South Africa

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation process and software implementation to draft business plans, create a process flow for approval and implementation and to monitor and evaluate any processes.


Monitor and evaluate the implementation of council and committee resolutions


The monitoring and evaluation of operational projects to ensure timeous and effective implementation


The assignment of tasks and timeframes and the monitoring in the implementation thereof


The reporting on the monitoring and evaluation of activities in graphical and tabular formats

Audit Assist

We offer an affordable real-time web-based system to manage and monitor internal and external audit queries. No additional hardware required for implementation.